You Can’t Fall in Love Without Consent


If this was romantic love, maybe
You’d see the effect of power dynamics
Causing the vulnerable to always remain small

If this was romantic love, maybe
You would find it strange that a couple 
Can’t be complete without a child

If this was romantic love, maybe
You would hear adult adoptee voices
Echoing the loss and pain aching in our bones

If this was romantic love, maybe
You wouldn’t expect an independent adult
To remain frozen as a helpless infant

If this was romantic love, maybe
You wouldn’t need us to talk so loudly
For you to notice the scars left on our skin

If this was romantic love, maybe
It’d just be different but the same
Others would decide and talk over us still

If this was romantic love, maybe
You would still favor movies to real stories
Keeping the faith in perfect endings

Maybe the problem is with love
That we must twist and contort to make it fit
When the best love allows everyone to unfurl