Beloved Mother

Beloved Mother By Barb H Cold wind buffeted us as the casket was lowered. The rabbi recited psalms and prayers in Hebrew—words falling like gentle drops of rain—as family members, one by one, sank the shovel in a mound of dirt and poured it on the box below. A short drive away, my parents and grandparents rest in the same vast, midtown cemetery. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  A


Leaves in the Street

Leaves in the Street By Mel De There it is, on crumpled paper, in a child’s hand, the sentence written 100 times over, just as she remembered it, at the bottom of a dusty box of old memories from a past life. “I


When the First Snow Dissolves

When the First Snow Dissolves By Marisol Kassis The days are slowly shrinking. The light of the sun is a thing to be treasured. The subtle ease into spring’s warmth and radiance creates longing.But, for now, we wait. Time moves


Springing Into Life

Springing Into Life By Mila X LISTEN TO THE AUTHOR READING: In the spring of my life … as the tiny bud sprung into a little flower; the magic of its essence coming to life … you plucked me. Away from my roots, from the water I needed to flourish. In its place you gave this little bud what you had … a dry, arid land. You wanted


A Season of Release

A Season of Release By Erica Curry Van Ee It’s been five years since we entered a global pandemic, a long time to live in uncertainty and upheaval. Navigating through this decade has been anything but predictable, in part because we are somewhere in between who we were and who we are becoming. Often, I have felt as if I am in the middle of a giant snow globe that is constantly being shaken, and


Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface By Lynne Edwards A.K.A. Joann Wilson I hurried out of my clothes, excited to play alone in the bathroom for the first time. I turned on both faucets full force and let the water flow between my fingers, adjusting the temperature as needed, like my mother always had. Eagerly anticipating the warmth of the water as it wrapped around my shivering body, I filled the tub almost to the top. I felt the power of the spray streaming