Family Dirt By Danielle Orr I am the ground and I am also groundless. I am both and neither.I was 29 years old when I learned of my own adoption.…

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TRUTH IN LYRICS BY Danielle Orr Recording songs onto cassette tape off the radio was a favorite hobby of mine during my adolescence.  Poised and focused, ready to pounce like an…

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THE SMELL OF BONDING BY DANIELLE ORR LISTEN TO THE AUTHOR READING: As I tossed the quartered oranges, butter, and freshly squeezed orange juice into the Cuisinart for the orange…

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I WELCOME THE FALL BY DANIELLE ORR LISTEN TO THE AUTHOR READING: The doves and hummingbirds sang their songs to me all summer long, sharing their secrets and knowledge, and…

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TIME TRAVEL BY DANIELLE ORR I have brought something through time for you. No one will find it until you need it and are big enough to understand the importance…

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BROKEN HEARTS BY DANIELLE ORR After several years of estrangement, my adoptive sister, who is now but a whisper of her pre-cancerous-self, decided to contact me. She has been snooping…

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Reunion Journey BY DANIELLE ORR I heard it before I saw it, flying just alongside the ferry to Victoria, British Columbia: one lone, Canadian goose heading back to somewhere unknown—just…

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