Adoptee life as a riddle
life played out from the middle 
all roads winding somewhere
requiring you care, share, and stare into
the sun 
until full moon negotiates meteor
can face raining questions
Where did this begin and end us

adoption as a solution
when I have never been a problem to
this introvert has performed center stage
joked and laughed while most would
breathing underwater
climbing the tallest trees 
just don’t look down! 
only until recent years bravely looking
Wow! Do you know where I come from? 
No, it’s a serious question…

my petite mother’s body quake 
ruptured to split 
scars of resilience permanently connect
in all the ways that make no sense. 
we do love! love each other… 
what could have been
before the tide receded 
as storms blew in… 
Strength we share! 
Natural disaster’s triumphs 
from here to there 
how we both still breathe 
right where we are 
I know her…
only as midnight’s brightest star 

no matter how she hides 
I’m at peace with all the middles…
Night tides, child, all families 
generationally centered, 
welcomed tears and erupting laughter 
as I gently pen, the ever after