Longing to belong I walk
cold water beaches stopping
to caress thunderworn trees
branches broken and torn off
roots tangled still clinging to
rocks clinging to memories of
an ancient time when I was
rooted in another’s womb
when the seed of me settled
into a familiar forest
long before I lost my way and
couldn’t find myself
The thing about belonging is
It isn’t something I can hold in my hands
It isn’t someone that can wrap
arms around me It isn’t outside
The thing about belonging
is believing I have a right
to exist I have a right to exist You have a right
to exist And now I claim it
I belong You belong
Because we were born
Because once we claim ourselves
There is nothing we have to do
to belong to anyone else
I claim Me over and over as many times
as it takes to remember that this rightful place
is Mine to claim Alone