Child of Wonder, you are home.

Child of wonder,
Your search is not in vain.                                  
I know the hurt you hide and pain
you carry deep inside that you believe
no one hears, except the wind and it won’t tell. 
‘Cause they cannot hear the way it speaks.

Oh Child,
Your heart wasn’t made to shoulder all this hurt, 
and though you see the world through your pain,
Don’t let it shatter your heart.
Even in your defiance, your determination to get it right, and be good enough . . .
You are Enough.
You are Worthy.

Child of wonder,
This may be your temporary home, 
but you are you for a lifetime.

Love you.
You are Strong.

Let down your walls and let your tears speak, 
be honest with yourself …
for maybe the first time in a long time … 
It’s not them right now that need to hear your heart, 
it’s you.

You need to be your home and your safe haven and then you can let them in.
Child of Wonder, I believe in you.
Child of Wonder,
When you blow out your candles today and your bio mom who sent you away, sends the necklaces you hate, and pixie stix, just say “thank you.”
Don’t let the hurt steal your joy, or change the way you love with abandon and every ounce that you have.
Your love, Child of Wonder, is strong.
When you made that list in third grade of who you decided to become. You weren’t alone.
Child of Wonder, you are home.
You find strength in the breath of the wind, and in the smile of the sun, and you learned music so you could keep on breathing. 
Child of Wonder, let me tell you, I’m proud of you.
You are brave beyond your Defiance and Dissonance,
You are bold, in your love and loyalty to life and love, and you are heard, when your world tangles like mismatched laces on tennis shoes and causes you to trip, stumble, and fall.
Child of Wonder, You are Home.
I know your feelings are complicated and you do not understand.
How to separate fear from faith or love from hurt
and that’s okay.
You feel deeply like the ocean that you carry, for ones that you hold and have yet to love.
Child of Wonder,
They need you.
Don’t cut them off. Don’t go mute, when you feel misunderstood. 
Find new ways to communicate.
Find ways to believe again.
Find new ways to breathe again.
Find a way to Be,

Child of wonder,
Let your heart open.
Open to live, to laugh, to love.
Don’t make friends with fear.
Or silence your companion.
You can do this.
Child of wonder, You are home.


The energy that comes with a new year offers opportunities for setting goals … and meeting them! Whether your goals include writing for emotional expression or publishing your words, we hope that you’ll join us for one (or both!) of our eight-week online writing groups for adult adoptees who have stories to share.

CRAFT & PUBLICATION FOCUS: Meets on Wednesdays, January 5 to February 23, 2022

WRITING AS AN EMOTIONAL PLAYGROUND: Meets on Mondays, January 10 to February 28, 2022